(arranged by topic)
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The Bible claims to be the Word of God over and over and over
Why do Muslims think the Bible has been corrupted?
Has Satan Given You a Dose of Deism?
Some Notes in Certain Bibles are Blatantly Deceptive!
Let us be careful not to preach as certain, things that the Bible does not portray as certain.
Some Thoughts Concerning the Revelation of Jesus Christ
Evaluating the Basic Principle (of textual criticism) by Wilbur Pickering
Does God Approve of the Way you Handle His Word?
Ample Reason to Question the Concensus
Churches are Filled with People who Despise God’s Word!
God Has Miraculously Preserved the Greek NT
Some Principles of God’s Revelation (written by Van Parunak)
Appreciating the Precision of the New Testament Greek (Also listed under Jesus.)
How Should a Christian Approach the Word of God?
The Deep Treasure of God (Also under Christian Living)
More Precious than Gold (Also under Christian Living)
All Scripture is God-Breathed! (Also under Evangelism)
Label, then ignor. Categorize, then dismiss.
My Doctors were Caught a bit off guard
Are you obeying Jesus’ command to pray that God will keep you from falling away?
How the Trajectory of the Christian Impacts His Outlook on COVID 19
The “Generational Curses” Hoax
How to Pray Strategically for Revival
What Does it Mean to Live By Faith?
Works “of Law” versus Works “of Faith”
Worship in Spirit and in Truth
70 Resolutions of Jonathon Edwards
Dying Saint Take Courage! (Read this to Believers who are about to die.)
Comprehend the Love of Christ?
Email exchange with Pastor Bright of Uganda March 2019
The World does not Hate its Jesus (Also under Salvation)
Atheists, Agnostics, Deists and Us
God’s Intended Product of the Gospel (also under salvation)
The Rewards Jesus Promised (also under salvation)
What is God doing? (also under Salvation)
It Would be Better for me if I Died Right Now!
Taking the Mystery out of Being Filled with the Spirit
Do You Want Deliverance From an Habitual Sin?
A Lack of Contentment May Point to a Lack of Faith
When Preachers Turn Out to be Wolves
Love Always Presumes a Person is Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Making Decisions in Accordance with God’s Will (Revised June, 2022)
Eye Salve for the Wretched (our need for revival)
The Deep Treasure of God (also under Bible)
More Precious the Gold (also under Bible)
Prepare to Die– Mp3 audio file about 40 minutes long
Are You Growing? – Mp3 audio file about 40 minutes long
Take Heed Lest You Fall– Mp3 audio file about 40 minutes long
Is a Plurality of Elders Biblical?
When Church Leaders Think Too Highly of Themselves
How Should Biblical Accountability Work in a Church?
Two Essential Elements of Biblical Unity
Who is Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry (Also under Evangelism)
The New Covenant (undiluted version that we must preach)
New tract (June 2023): How to live a life that pleases God.
The Absolute Righteousness of God
Are you unknowingly communicating a skewed gospel?
New 20-minute Gospel of Jesus Christ MP3 audio file (for the scripture references, go to Free Evangelism Tools, “Message of the Bible Summarized Tract.”
Misusing I John 5:13 (also under salvation)
Do We Sometimes Prejudge Roman Catholic Responses?
Stones Cry Out door to door guidelines
How Complete is the Gospel You Preach?
Be Ready Always to Give an Answer
What Does it Mean to Call Upon the Lord? (Also listed under Salvation.)
It is Better to Say “Remission” (of Sins) than “Forgiveness” (of Sins)
There is No Such Thing as the Gift of Evangelism
How Much Do You Really Believe the Gospel?
All Scripture is God-Breathed! (discusses a common false gospel)
Woe to me if I do not Preach the Gospel!
Who is Equipping the Saints for the Work of the Ministry? (Also under Church)
Concise Gospel Presentation– Mp3 audio file about 12 minutes long
Who Runs Your Life?- Mp3 audio tract about 10 minutes long
Things You Can Do to Evangelize– Mp3 audio file about 40 minutes long
Thy Kingdom Come– Mp3 audio file about 40 minutes long (importance of evangelism)
We have a more sure word of prophecy.
Anticipating our Next Intimate Encounter with Jesus
Appreciating the Precision of the New Testament Greek (Also listed under Bible.)
Thoughts About Jesus in His Incarnation
Righteousness and Peace have Kissstonescryout.info/…/What-is-God-Doing.pdfed– Mp3 audio file about 40 minutes long
When apparent Bible conflicts give way to perfect harmony
Today’s truncated gospel and who is behind it.
The New Covenant (Undeluted version that we must preach)
Brief answers to people that object to aspects of the gospel I proclaim. (1 page)
Are you a “duck-backed Christian?” (1/2 page article)
Commands in Greek present tense demand continuous, ongoing obedient response.
Maybe this is why pastors are not talking about this.
A closer analysis of Jesus’ sheep/shepherd analogy (in John 10)
Does your understanding of John 6:37-40 need a little tweaking?
Are you obeying Jesus’ command to pray that God will keep you from falling away?
Some things that Christians can be 100% certain about
It is not within us to persevere, but persevere we must. (Words from Jonathan Edwards)
Verses whose primary purpose is to help Christians persevere to the end
A Denial of Christ’s Substitutionary Death for Sins is a Direct Attack on Jesus Himself!
Sanctification will include both victories and defeats
Are you unknowingly communicating a skewed gospel?
“Works of Law” Versus “Works of Faith”
The Vile Doctrine of Purgatory
Misusing I John 5:13 (also under evangelism)
It’s Difficult to Know What Type of Soil We Are.
“Salvation” (the word) Pop Quiz
The World does not Hate its Jesus (Also under Christian Living)
Who will sit at Jesus’ right hand?
Words of Great Comfort, or Not (Also under Christian Living)
God’s Intended Product of the Gospel (also under Christian Living)
The Rewards Jesus Promised (also under Christian Living)
What Was Paul Thinking? (An examination of what Romans teaches about salvation.)
What is God Doing? (also under Christian living)
Does God Ever Get Angry at Christians?
Come Boldly to the Throne of Grace!
Are You Feeling the Breeze? (This is about sanctification)
If we do not Endure, we will not be Saved
Only Those Who Share in Christ’s Sufferings Will Be in Heaven
“Atonement” in the New Testament (written by Van Parunak)
I will Keep Preaching These Things Even if it is Unpopular to do so
What Does it Mean to Call Upon the Lord? (Also listed under Evangelism.)
A More Likely Interpretation of Romans 10:9-10
Another Possible View of Hebrews 6:1-6
The Two Types of People and Their Outcome
The Sovereignty of God