End of Year 2103 Stones Cry Out Annual Report

Great are the works of the LORD; They are studied by all who delight in them.  (Psalm 111:2)

1.     God continues to mobilize and move His people to engage in the advancement of His Kingdom.

If you read the weekly evangelism reports, you might wonder what keeps us going door to door week after week to proclaim the gospel while on the surface, there seems to be so few Muslims coming to Jesus for salvation. What could possibly motivate us to endure in this work? Let me set the record straight by stating that it is only because God moves us to continue. If it were not for Him, we would be doing other things. This is very obvious to us and we want you all to know this so that you will continue praying that God moves His people to proclaim the gospel with us as He has faithfully done in the past. That being said, we also can testify that our food is to do the will of the Father. Each time God grants us the opportunity to proclaim the gospel, it is as if our soul is being fed with manna from heaven. We all desire more manna. God gives us this desire.

From reading this, do you see that God has been answering the prayers of His people?


2.  God continues to open doors for the proclamation of the gospel to many who never heard it before.

During the past six years, we knocked on the door of virtually every house in East Dearborn to proclaim the gospel to all who would listen. Just over two years ago, we began again where we first started with plans to cover the entire area again. We have found that most of the people we are meeting the second time around are people we never met before. Well over 1000 Muslims have heard the gospel from us face to face and comprehended it in various degrees. We try to keep in contact with over many of them, some expressing more interest than others of course. We consider this entire community the “parish” assigned to us by God regardless of whether they are believing yet or not.

It becomes increasingly clear that it is God who opens the doors for the proclamation of the gospel. Every time someone hears and understands the gospel, we know that God arranged it, not us. Unless God does this, nobody will answer doors. Unless God does it, those who do answer their doors will simply tell us to go away. Each time we go out, we realize that nothing good will result unless God makes it happen. But it is clear to us that God is opening the doors for the proclamation of the gospel and so we give Him thanks.

In addition to the face to face evangelism, we personally hand out hundreds of gospels, tracts and some Bibles here in Dearborn each year. We also provide audio gospel presentations on CD.

From reading this, do you see that God has been answering the prayers of His people?

3.  God has added to the number of those who go door to door and those who meet as Dearborn Bible Fellowship (www.DearbornBible.ORG)

Those of us who go door to door are richly blessed every time God brings another Christian out to go door to door with us. People from every continent except Antarctica have gone with us at one time or another. These are Christians with a variety of church backgrounds but all with a common desire to see Christ glorified in the proclamation of the gospel. Each of us greatly values being joined to other laborers and we do not take this privilege lightly.

Similarly, we thank God for adding to the assembly that meets here Sunday and Wednesday nights. Those who come are a testament to God’s work of calling out a people for His own possession. We are especially blessed to have people representing a variety of cultural and spiritual backgrounds.

From reading this, do you see that God has been answering the prayers of His people?


4.  We continue to see fruit of the gospel in the form of changed lives to God’s glory

Jesus told us to go and make disciples and teach them to observe all that He commanded. That is our mission we are working to fulfill it. God uses this ministry to produce disciples, some through the Stones Cry Out web site, and some locally.  The consistent gathering of believers in the home church meetings presents the most observable manifestation of salvation.  

Note: We do not consider a person a Christian just because he prays a “sinner’s prayer” or walks an aisle so we do not count converts in the manner that many people do these days. (We do not tell people to pray sinner’s prayers nor do we practice the “alter call” technique because we believe that these practices are not warranted by the Bible.) We believe that if a person is truly regenerate, his life will reflect it through holy living. We believe the best way to know if a new disciple has been made is if there appears to be fruit of God’s Spirit at work in them resulting in a changed life.

We have observed God shaping the minds and hearts of those who consistently attend the meetings. We are observing the building up of the Body by itself as each member is critical to the well being of the others. This gives us reason to believe that the saints are being equipped to do the work of the ministry. We expect God to prepare the members to increasingly minister in the future expansion of God’s Kingdom. As members become equipped to do the work of the ministry, it is envisioned that other churches will be planted under their leadership as those who are “sent out” by Dearborn Bible Fellowship for that purpose.  Rather than continue growing and acquiring a building to hold larger meetings, we believe it biblical to continually expand the body of Christ by forming new local churches that meet in houses, less encumbered by unnecessary expenses associated with owning and maintaining a building.

I believe that in the future, Christians that were former Muslims, will also be equipped through Dearborn Bible Fellowship to do the work of the Ministry and then be sent (as the Spirit directs) to their own countries in the Middle East to plant churches there.  I have recorded my understanding of the biblical church model in my book, The Local Church).

From reading this, do you see that God has been answering the prayers of His people?


5.  God continues to sharpen the gospel message in the mouths of His people

We have the privilege of influencing Christians that God brings to us for short term missions exposure. Most of them come here during the summer. I conduct evangelism seminars while they are here and then we take them door to door with us. In addition, God causes us to come in contact with a few men that are local and want to learn more about evangelism and/or simply engage in it more consistently.

In addition to the local ministry, God has seen fit to expand influence of Stones Cry Out Ministries globally. Each year, hundreds of visitors visit the Stones Cry Out web site in order to obtain free evangelism tools like tracts and the gospel study guide. These materials are now being used all over the world. In fact, it appears that Stones Cry Out influence is greater in places like Africa and Asia than it is here in the U.S.A. Christian pastors and evangelists from those countries learn how to evangelize biblically by watching the 48 minute evangelism training seminar and sometimes, I send them my books (at no charge). Most of them tell me that these materials have helped them greatly to minister to the people in their countries.

From reading this, do you see that God has been answering the prayers of His people?


6.  God continues to provide the physical needs.

Earlier this year, both of our vehicles broke beyond reasonable repair at the same time. Soon after, God provided (through people), financial gifts that allowed me to purchase a replacement work truck. Then, a good brother called not too long after that and told us he wanted to give us his Astro van. It was given to us in excellent condition. It was almost like we were given a brand new vehicle.

Over the past five years, God has used financial pressure to test our faith. Through it all, I learned that my faith is feeble at best,  that God is faithful and always has been our faithful Provider.

He also has continued to provide repair/remodel jobs as the chief means for provision.

He also has moved Christians to donate money, New Testaments, gospels and Bibles that we provide to the people we meet.

From reading this, do you see that God has been answering the prayers of His people?


7.  Looking forward in faith to the harvest

 Based upon God’s word, we are expecting the harvest to increase.

 “For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth and making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)

Since God is causing the gospel to go forth, we have assurance that His word is accomplishing exactly what He sent it to do.  We have every reason to pray fervently and expect a great harvest, including many of those who are currently blinded by Islam. I believe it is just a matter of time before dozens and then hundreds of Muslims come to faith in Jesus.

This raises the question, “Will we be ready for the harvest?” When suddenly, many Muslims forsake Islam and begin following Christ, will we be ready to properly disciple them so that they learn Christ rightly? Perhaps the reason why the harvest has been so light so far is because God still is not finished preparing His people to care for all the new believers?


8.  Prayer requests

Since Jesus promised to hear our prayers, and since we have confirmation from this report that He has been hearing and answering our prayers, let us pray all the more expecting to see His glory revealed.

-Protection and Endurance for those in the field (including Rubin on a continent far away)

Unless God keeps us under the shadow of His wings, we will wander off and fall headlong on our face. Unless He keeps us encouraged, we will soon be despairing of life. Unless He continues to send trials, we will become more filled with wretched prideful independence that we already possess. Only God can keep us and cause us to endure so please pray to that end.

 –The building up of the church

We thank God for our little assembly of believers that meet Sunday and Wednesday evenings (and the Bible study that meets at Patience’s house on Mondays).  Pray that God causes the members to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ and become equipped to do the work of the ministry. Pray that God adds to our number new disciples who can become equipped for the work of the ministry. Pray that God gives us grace and wisdom to humbly serve each other so that red hot believers will result. Pray that God equips one or two of the men to eventually start and temporarily lead another local church and take on more leadership in the meantime.

That God will make our prayers more fervent

As God turns up the heat in our prayers, His power will be unleashed and the harvest will be made manifest to His glory. Pray therefore, that God sends revival to all of us who pray.

-That God will continue to supply all our needs

As you may know, we are not with a mission agency and due to our convictions, we do not feel right asking people for financial support. But we can and do ask God to supply our needs. If you are so inclined, please pray that God will supply all our needs.

-Concerning direction

The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit directs ministry. This direction always involves His Church. We were initially sent under the direction of Grace Evangelical Fellowship to proclaim the gospel in East Dearborn and establish churches where new believers can flourish. We have continued to operate in accordance with the direction we received back then. For the past two years or so, we have been interacting with the members of Dearborn Bible Fellowship, the church that has been established. For now, we plan to continue operating under the direction initially provided but we want to be under the direction of the Holy Spirit through His church. Perhaps it is time to begin taking our direction from this new local church. We want God to make His will known about all this. We are open to counsel from other Christians about this. Please pray that God shows us His will about it.


-In the oversight of God’s people and how we should serve them best.

-In managing my time. My customer base (remodel/repair) continues to expand. Lately, I have been very busy. I feel pulled in many directions. I don’t want to assume that I should simply extend my work hours. Maybe God wants to provide for us this way. But maybe He wants me to learn how to say no to some customers. Maybe He wants me to raise my rates so fewer customers call me. I just need to know what He wants.

-The spiritual well being of those members who seem to be drifting and wisdom to know how best to serve them.

-Salvation for those who have heard

It is our privilege as priests to intercede for the lost. Ask, and it will be given to you. Pray for those unbelievers that God impresses upon your heart. The following are a few of the contacts that during the past year, heard and understood intellectually the gospel. Pray that God gives us greater opportunity to water the seed and that he brings forth a great harvest.


Hyder, Muslim father.

Ali, Muslim teenager

Aleex, Muslim father

Fateema, Muslim mother

Sadik, Muslim young man

Ali, Muslim father in his 50’s

Wanda, Muslim mother

Issa, Muslim young doctor

Nourham, Muslim teenage girl

Rashad, Arabic former Muslim now atheist

Jim, Muslim in his 50’s

Muhammad, Young Muslim man (Godda’s son)

Muhammad, Muslim university student who came to one of our meetings

Balaal, “Muslim evangelist” as he calls himself

Ali, Muslim teenager

Mawther, Young Muslim woman, now reading my book

Abraham, Isaiah and Kadisha, Patient’s children (of Muslim father)

Melissa, Non Muslim mother who is now claiming to follow Christ (but not in church)


Tasha, Self proclaimed atheist who was moved emotionally when she heard the gospel




Appendix:    Stones Cry Out Ministries Particulars


Those who pray

The gospel has been proclaimed to thousands of people, mainly Muslims. Those of you who pray for us play a role in this because without God’s protection and enabling, our hearts would grow cold and our mouths would cease to proclaim the gospel. With so much gospel seed planted, we are reminded that unless God makes it come to life, those who have heard it will remain blind and perishing.  “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1).

Those who engage in evangelism

One of our past regulars, Rubin, left us several months ago and is now living on the mission field with his expectant wife. They are proclaiming the gospel to Muslims on a different continent now. While God took him from us this way, God also added brothers to our group. Pat goes virtually every week. But people like Benjamin (a teenager), Ivan, Eddie and Jason go often. Carmen is another who goes from time to time. Then there are the many that come out maybe once or twice per year.

Those who serve in other ways

Linda: Though my wife Linda usually does not go door to door with us, she goes with me every week to the Bible study with Patience (a woman from Liberia) who we met going door to door in Detroit. She endures much with me in the Stones Cry Out ministry. In addition, she faithfully prepares refreshments for the home church meetings on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.

Those who financially support this ministry:

Most of the financial support we receive for the ministry comes in the form of spontaneous gifts as God moves people. But there are a few people who faithfully give each month. We give thanks to God for moving his people to support this ministry financially.


Note: If you are interested to know my perspective on evangelism, church or Christian living matters, either contact me or you can read my books available on Amazon as Kindle books or at BringMySheepback.com in paperback format.