December 2011 Annual SCO Update

Annual Stones Cry Out Ministries Update

This report is directed to all those who in some way support Stones Cry Out Ministries. It is provided to honor and glorify the Lord in keeping with Psalm 111:2.


Great are the works of the LORD;

They are studied by all who delight in them.  (Psalm 111:2)


First, I wish to thank all of you, especially for your prayers because apart from Him, we can do nothing. All who are invested in this work surely know that the amount of eternal fruit that comes from it is directly proportional to the intensity of prayer that is offered up by God’s people.


This report contains five sections:


  1. The people involved in this ministry
  2. A review of the things God has accomplished in and through the ministry
  3. Looking forward through eyes of faith
  4. Words of encouragement for all who are involved
  5. Prayer requests


1. The people involved in this ministry

As mentioned above, there are many people that God has burdened to pray for this ministry. We consider you all fellow laborers in the harvest. In addition, there are Christians that God has used to go with us door to door. Right now, Pat McMahon is my “right hand man” in the work. He goes with me every Saturday and he faithfully ministers in the home church meetings. Though my wife does not go door to door with us, she endures much with me in this ministry. We endure much hardship together in the form of satanic attack and various forms of discomfort. In addition, she faithfully prepares refreshments for the home church meetings on Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Besides these people, God brings other Christians to us who go door to door from time to time. Also, my son Brian has helped me often with web site support.


2. A review of the things God has accomplished in and through the ministry

Gospel proclamation to the people of E. Dearborn

During the first half of 2011 and with the help of many people, we concluded our first campaign through East Dearborn (and South Dearborn). During the past five years, we knocked on the door of virtually every house in hope of proclaiming the gospel. At least 1000 Muslims heard the gospel and comprehended it in various degrees. We have continued dialog with over 100 of them, some expressing more interest than others. We consider this entire community the “parish” assigned to us by God regardless of whether they are believing yet or not.

During the summer, we began our second run through starting where we began 5 years ago. We have seen some of the people we met during the first campaign but for the most part, they are all new faces to us.


The reception of the Muslim community

When we first began five years ago, the Muslims were generally more friendly toward us. But over the years, some of their attitudes have grown cold toward us. During this period, we learned from the Muslims that the leaders knew about the door to door ministry and were instructing the Muslims how to deal with the Christians who come to their door.  At first, they were told that if the Christians come to their house, to call the mosque and hand the telephone to the Christians so they could talk with the Imam. Later, we heard that the leaders were instructing the Muslims to protect their children by prohibiting them from talking with the Christians. During the fall of 2010 we noticed a marked change in attitudes of many of the Muslims. Some of them seemed downright hostile toward us and were acting like people from our culture (rude, slamming the door etc.) Though there are many Muslims that now appear angry when we introduce ourselves, there are still many that are hospitable and treat us with respect.



Jesus told us to go and make disciples and teach them to observe all that He commanded. That is our mission we are working to fulfill it. Someone asked me recently if this ministry has produced any disciples. The answer is yes but to many, the numbers would appear very low. Since we are not God, we actually cannot know for sure how many disciples have been made through this ministry. But since its conception, it would appear that as many as 10 people have come to Christ through the ministry in this area.


We do not consider a person a Christian just because he prays a sinner’s prayer or walks down an aisle so we do not count converts in the manner that many people do these days. (We do not engage in having people pray sinner’s prayers or alter calls because we believe that these practices are not warranted by the Bible.) We believe that if a person is truly regenerate, his life will reflect it through holy living. So, when I say as many as 10 people have come to Christ, it is based upon what appears to be fruits of God’s Spirit at work in them resulting in changed lives. Of these 10 people, only three of them are X-Muslims and none of the X-Muslims are currently attending our home church. (But they do attend other churches.)


Besides the people described above, it is quite possible that others have come to Christ but we just don’t know about it. I believe that when I arrive on the golden shores, I will see many such people and it will be a joyous reunion.


In addition to this local ministry, God has seen fit to expand the influence of Stones Cry Out Ministries globally. I did not anticipate this but God has seen fit to bring thousands of people (mainly Christians) to the Stones Cry Out web site in order to obtain free evangelism tools like tracts and the gospel study guide. These materials are now being used all over the world. In fact, it appears that the Stones Cry Out influence is greater in places like Africa and Asia than it is here in North America. Christian pastors and evangelists from those countries learn how to evangelize biblically by watching the 48 minute evangelism training seminar and sometimes, I send them my books (at no charge). Most of them tell me that these materials have helped them greatly to minister to the people in their countries.


The Church plant (

When we first began, we knew that as disciples are made, they need to be baptized and be taught all that Jesus commanded and that this is to be done in the context of local assemblies of believers. To facilitate this, we began a home Bible study that we thought would eventually form the basis for a local Church. As any missionary will tell you, such an endeavor is always a learning experience met with difficulties on many levels. God used the trials and difficulties to raise many questions about ourselves and how church is defined in the Bible. God used many people also in shaping our understanding of what we call “Church.” As a result, I have recorded my understanding of these things in a book I just released called Church (according to the Bible).


Direction continually being shaped

As mentioned above, God has been using the ministry and the trials associated with it to continually shape our understanding of what He wants us to do and teach. Our understanding of what Church should be like is reflected in my latest book. My understanding of what the Bible teaches about evangelism has been shaped mainly during the first few years of proactive evangelism ministry and is reflected in my book, Bringing Back the Gospel. (I offer the book to any Christian as a free PDF file if they ask me for it and promise to read it.) In the midst of trials relating to this ministry, my understanding of things is put to the test. For example, when very little visible fruit is evident, I can’t help but wonder, “Am I doing something wrong?” I am sure there are many people who think that I am doing things incorrectly based upon the reports I send out. But until God opens my eyes to them, I must hold to the traditions that I believe were modeled in the life of Jesus and Paul. I ask God to help me identify any of my current thinking that is not biblical. You can pray likewise for me.


Besides direction concerning the work of the ministry, God has been using the trials of life to shape my understanding of what it means to walk by faith. This is the most difficult learning experience for me since it affects the level of our comfort. It seems that I am extremely slow to learn and a man of little faith. I suspect that I will be this way until the day I die. But God is faithful and does not stop His training so that we increasingly believe that man does not live by bread alone but by everything that proceeds from the mouth of God.


Equipping Christians for the work of the ministry


In addition to the ministry to people in other countries via the Stones Cry Out web site, we have the privilege of having some influence on people that God brings to us here. Most of them come here during the summer. I conduct evangelism seminars and teaching sessions while they are here and then we take them door to door with us. In addition, God causes us to come in contact with a few men that are local and want to learn more about evangelism. Most significantly to me though, is training new disciples to do the work of the ministry. Right now, we are greatly encouraged by a man named Keith that we met last summer going door to door. He attends all of the home church meetings and now follows Jesus. He is drinking in the Word of God. Spontaneously, like the woman at the well (John 4), he has begun to tell others about Jesus. We supply him with gospels and tracts. He wants to start going door to door with us to learn how to evangelize effectively starting this coming Saturday. In addition, an Ex-Muslim that has been influenced by this ministry goes door to door with us from time to time.


3. Looking forward in faith

One dear friend wrote recently, “Expecting a harvest!” I sincerely believe that he is expecting a harvest. He has every reason to expect a harvest.


“For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven, And do not return there without watering the earth And making it bear and sprout, And furnishing seed to the sower and bread to the eater; So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)


From this, we have assurance that His word is accomplishing exactly what He sent it to do. But we should not expect a harvest of souls without asking God for it. (James 4:3) I know people are praying and I see the gospel going forth and I see people being graced by God with the understanding of it for the first time in their lives. So, we should expect a harvest. If there is little harvest right now, let us take the blame for it as those whose prayers are not red hot. And, let us be encouraged to ask God to make our prayers more fervent and our hearts more expecting as we look to Him for the harvest.


4. Words of encouragement and exhortation


It is easy to become discouraged when it “appears” as if God is not present in our lives or ministry. But we are commanded to “take courage.”


Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord— for we walk by faith, not by sight— we are of good courage, I say, and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. Therefore we also have as our ambition, whether at home or absent, to be pleasing to Him. For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad” (II Corinthians 5:6-10).


The context of this passage is all about our mission as ambassadors of Christ (doing the work of evangelism). The key to taking courage is remembering that this is all temporary and we will soon be home with the Lord. So, let us endure suffering in this present time because we are convinced that the suffering of this present time is not worthy to be compared to the glory that will be revealed in us. Even as I write, I am encouraged. May God help us to experience the reality of this passage so that we can truly be of good courage waiting for the harvest as we long for His appearing. (Come quickly Lord Jesus!)


Let us consider the faith of one of God’s witnesses preserved in His Holy Word.


Now after him was Shammah the son of Agee a Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered into a troop where there was a plot of ground full of lentils, and the people fled from the Philistines. But he took his stand in the midst of the plot, defended it and struck the Philistines; and the LORD brought about a great victory (II Samuel 23:11-12).


God has called each of us to advance His Kingdom. Right now, it might appear to some that I am trying to defend an insignificant plot of ground full of lentils. It might sometimes appear to me as if many of God’s people have fled the battle (though I know this is not really the case). Should I look for a different battle that seems more significant than this plot of ground full of lentils? No, at least for now, this is the plot of ground that God has assigned to me even if it does not “appear” that important. It took great courage for Shammah to take his stand and defend that little plot of ground full of lentils, especially since it appeared so insignificant. I take my stand on this plot of ground not because of any deep love I might have for these people. And not because our nation is in peril and being threatened by Islam! NO! I take my stand on this ground simply because this is the plot of ground that God has assigned to me. Unless and until He directs otherwise, I intend to hold this position as feeble as I might be standing. As a soldier, I pray that God keeps me from deserting the post assigned to me unless and until He dismisses me from my post. Let me and all who labor with me take courage in this, that we will soon be at home with the Lord and our labors and hardships are only temporary. Even if we do not see it in this life, in glory, we will be able look back and see that the LORD brought about a great victory.


5. Prayer requests

Protection and Endurance for those in the field

We are not so naïve that we do not know the danger we face. Unlike stronger men of faith, we are weak and often foolish. For this reason, we of all people, need God’s protection from the deceitful attacks of Satan. Unless God keeps us under the shadow of His wings, we will wonder off and fall headlong on our face. Unless He keeps us encouraged, we will soon be despairing of life. Unless He continues to send trials, we will become more filled with wretched, prideful independence than we already posses. Only God can keep us and cause us to endure so please pray to that end.


Salvation for those who have heard

It is our privilege as priests to intercede for the lost. Ask, and it will be given to you. Pray for those unbelievers that God impresses upon your heart.


The building up of the church

We thank God for our little assembly of believers that meet Sunday and Wednesday evenings. Pray that God adds to our assembly, new disciples who can become equipped for the work of the ministry. Pray that God gives us grace and wisdom to humbly serve each other so that red hot believers result.


That God will make our prayers more fervent

As God turns up the heat in our prayers, His power will be unleashed and the harvest will be made manifest to His glory. Pray therefore, that God sends revival to all of us who pray.


That God will supply all our needs

As you may know, we are not with a mission agency and due to our convictions, we do not feel right asking people for financial support. But we can and do ask God to supply our needs. If you are so inclined, please pray with us that God will supply all our needs.

end of report