Annual Stones Cry Out Ministries Update: January, 2015

Great are the works of the LORD; They are studied by all who delight in them.  (Psalm 111:2)

 This report is directed to all those who in some way support Stones Cry Out Ministries and is provided to honor and glorify the Lord in keeping with Psalm 111:2. Following the report, there are several supporting notes.

We thank all of you who pray because apart from Him, we can do nothing. All who are invested in this work know well that the amount of eternal fruit that comes from it is directly proportional to the intensity of prayer that is offered up by God’s people.

Stones Cry Out Ministries’ Mission:

About nine years ago, at the direction of the church we attended at that time, we began to proclaim the gospel to the Muslims of East Dearborn. As time passed, that mission was further shaped to include the goal of establishing a church comprised of those we met going door to door. Often, Christians have indicated to us that such a ministry must be difficult because Muslims are known for resisting the gospel of Jesus. While Muslims tend to resist the gospel, we believe all men are born with that same inclination. Recently, someone asked me, “What is your success rate?” I replied, “One hundred percent.” Of course, I knew what the man was asking but I replied this way to show that in reality, our mission is to proclaim the gospel and establish a church that includes all those that God gives to us. It is God alone who gives the increase. So, it really does not matter how many Muslims are turning to Christ at this present time, we are trying to be faithful in fulfilling the mission that we believe He gave to us through the church. This report proves that God is using this ministry to redeem and sanctify a people who are identified as followers of Jesus. While we try to be “faithful in the little things,” God is accomplishing mighty things.

 1. The people involved in this ministry

Those who pray

The gospel has been proclaimed to thousands of people. Those of you who pray for us play a role in this because without God’s protection and enabling, our hearts would grow cold and our mouths would cease to proclaim the gospel. With so much gospel seed planted, we are reminded that unless God makes it come to life, those who have heard it will remain blind and perishing.  “Unless the Lord builds the house, they labor in vain who build it” (Psalm 127:1).

Those who engage in evangelism

I praise God that He has blessed me with the privilege of ministering with many other people who evangelize on a regular basis. Usually, there are about 4 of us who go door to door regularly but sometimes, many others join us for the work. Christians from all over the world have gone door to door with us. I wish you all could experience this great blessing!

Those who serve in other ways

Linda (my wife) and Marilyn (our friend) are constantly serving those who attend the meetings and those who come from far away to evangelize with us. Without their help, this work would suffer greatly.

Those who financially support this ministry:

Most of the financial support we receive for the ministry comes in the form of spontaneous gifts as God moves people. But there are a few people who faithfully give each month. We give thanks to God for moving his people to support this ministry financially.


  1. A review of the things God has accomplished in and through the ministry

– Thousands of Muslims and other people living in East Dearborn have heard the gospel explained to them in detail. Many more have received gospels and tracts. (We are now on the third time going through East Dearborn.)

– On going relationships continue with several who now understand the gospel and spiritual dialog continues with them.

– A local church (meeting in our home) has been established which includes some people we met going door to door. God is using this body of Jesus followers[1] to minister to each other and He is sanctifying them to His glory[2]. (   

– A Monday morning Bible study has been going on for about 2 years with a woman named Patience from Liberia. Her family and friends have attended at times. Patience now identifies herself as a follower of Jesus. Her Muslim husband and children have now all heard the gospel and her husband recently attended one of our church meetings and seemed to like it.

– The global component of this ministry

In addition to the local ministry, God has seen fit to expand influence of Stones Cry Out Ministries globally. I did not anticipate this but God has seen fit to bring thousands of people (mainly Christians) to the Stones Cry Out web site in order to obtain free evangelism tools like tracts and the gospel study guide. These materials are now being used all over the world. In fact, it appears that Stones Cry Out influence is greater in places like Africa and Asia than it is here in the U.S.A. Christian pastors and evangelists from those countries learn how to evangelize biblically by watching the 48 minute evangelism training seminar and sometimes, I send them my books (at no charge). Most of them tell me that these materials have helped them greatly to minister to the people in their countries.

To learn more about the teachings of this ministry and Dearborn Bible Fellowship, you can read my books that are described below[3].

Quick summary of what God has been doing during the past year:

–          God has faithfully continued to cause this ministry and those who minister to endure and continue doing the work. The more time that passes, the more we realize that indeed, God alone is worthy of praise. If it were not for His work in us, we would quickly drift and the ministry would cease. So, we praise God for continuing to breathe life into us and move us to do His work.

–          God continues to cause His Word to take root in those who attend the meetings. The greatest indication of this is changed lives resulting in works that are motivated by God’s Spirit at work. There have been those who no longer attend our meetings because they evidently do not agree with the things being taught. But some remain and continue to hear the Bible being taught (exposition style). By God’s grace, our thinking and way of looking at things is being transformed by God.

–          God is at work in the lives of many we meet going door to door. If God does not prepare the hearts, the gospel will not find a place to take hold. But it does seem as if God is tilling the soil and holding Satan at bay during many of our gospel conversations.


3.   Looking forward:

Until now, I have labored as a “tent maker” while ministering. Most of the financial support for our family comes from me doing home repair and remodel work. In about one year, I will be able to apply for social security retirement benefits. Though this won’t cover all of our expenses, I should be able to reduce the amount of home repair/remodel work load. If God so directs, I should be able to spend more of my time doing the work of the ministry.


4.   How you can pray:

 Unless God causes the gospel to spring to life, the bones will remain dead. Only He can make them come to life. Since He has been causing people to hear and understand the gospel, we should be very motivated to ask Him to make the gospel spring to life in those who have heard it and fully anticipate a day when hundreds of Muslims repent and embrace Jesus Christ as their LORD and Savior.

  1. Pray that God will cause those who attend the meetings to ACT on what they learn and become equipped to do the work of the ministry. (Pray for people like Wameedh, Keith, Matthew, Patience, Marilyn, Pat, Shawna, Linda and I in this regard.)
  2. Pray that our home church becomes more of a house of prayer. We long to experience the type of interaction with God that the early church experienced.
  3. Pray that God gives us wisdom in helping those who want to evangelize to experience many opportunities to learn and grow. In particular, pray that He shows us how we can help Christian women and teenagers to have more involvement.
  4. Pray that God gives us an open and willing heart to go wherever He directs. Perhaps He has something else in mind for some of us. Maybe a different city or country. We do not want to be stagnant in spirit. Pray that He gives us open hearts and minds to perceive His direction in the future.
  5. Continue praying that God will provide all our financial needs so this ministry can continue unhindered by financial restrictions.


[1] We do not consider a person a Christian just because he prays a “sinner’s prayer” or walks an aisle so we do not count converts in the manner that many people do these days. (We do not tell people to pray sinner’s prayers nor do we practice the “alter call” technique because we believe that these practices are not warranted by the Bible.) We believe that if a person is truly regenerate, his life will reflect it through holy living. We believe the best way to know if a new disciple has been made is if there appears to be fruit of God’s Spirit at work in them resulting in a changed life.


[2] Equipping the believers to do the work of the ministry (Ephesians 4:12)

Currently, those who attend look mainly to me for leadership but it is my prayer and goal that each one learns how to lead others that come to Christ through their influence. Together, we study complete books of the Bible hoping to learn the entire counsel of God rather than just focus on certain topics. As members become equipped to do the work of the ministry, it is envisioned that other churches will be planted under their leadership as those who are “sent out” by our church for that purpose.  Rather than continue growing and acquiring a building to house the larger meetings, we believe it biblical to continually expand the body of Christ by forming new local churches.


I believe that in the future, Christians that were former Muslims, will also be equipped through Dearborn Bible Fellowship to do the work of the Ministry and then be sent (as the Spirit directs) to their own countries in the Middle East to plant churches there.  I have recorded my understanding of the biblical church model in my book, The Local Church).


[3] God uses the ministry and the trials associated with it to continually shape our understanding and bring it in line with the biblical model. God has moved me to record my understanding in books like those mentioned below:


How to evangelize (Bringing back the gospel)

The Local Church.

Church Discipline (Bring my sheep back)

Christian Marriage

Evangelism Fuel

The Way to Heaven – The difference between Islam and Christianity


The links above take you to the Amazon Kindle book pages. To get paperback versions, go to